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Kamis, 24 Maret 2016



1. Sub Woofer
Is a type of speaker that is capable of producing sound frequency of 20Hz - 200Hz , so that we can hear low tones or full bass . Usually the sub woofer is installed on a computer powered speakers , car speakers , active speaker room and so on . For installation would require a separate box with the other speakers . Due to the vibrations produced quite high , so made ​​a separate box .
2. Woofer

Is a type of speakers that can menghasailkan low frequency is around 40Hz - 1000Hz . Then the resulting sound will also be ngebass . This kind of a lot of us find in almost all types of active speaker room . This kind of a lot of electronics sold in stores . Besides, these speakers have the size vary, for example, 4 inch , 6 Inc. , 8 Inc. , 10 Inc. , 12 Inc. and so on . For the results good voice must necessarily be mounted on the box and is usually combined with midrange and tweeter .
speaker 3 way
3. Midrange

This type of speaker is capable of producing intermediate frequency of about 500Hz - 5000Hz . Therefore, the resulting sound audible as our voice. Usually this type we find the 3 way active speaker .
4. Tweeter

the type of speakers that produce a frequency around 5000Hz - 20.000Hz . So that the resulting sound will be a little squeaky . Almost all the active speaker is also installed this kind that sounds like a guitar melody , angklung even broken glass could be heard clearly. Besides speakers of this type without using box also been able to function properly.
5. Full range
Is a kind of speaker who is able to produce lower tones , medium or high . Therefore this type are often used for the speakers or outdoors . Due to the resulting sound can be heard a distance . For its size also varies as 10 inch , 12 inc , inc 15 , even 18 inc .

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