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Kamis, 24 Maret 2016



    Using DIN 5 male and usually used in AT -type computer . Picture below is the port that is used on a computer keyboard type serial and serial images of the Keyboard . 
  2. KEYBOARD PS/2. 
    Usually used in computer ATX , and is currently the most widely used . Installation of the keyboard of this type must be done carefully , because the port is owned equally by the port for the mouse . the picture below is a port and keyboard type PS / 2 .
    As the name implies , this type is not using the keyboard as a liaison between the keyboard cable to the computer . Type of connection used is infra red , wifi or Bluetooth . To connect the keyboard to the computer , it takes the transmitter unit and receiver . The transmitter unit is usually found on the keyboard itself , while the receivers are usually attached to a USB or serial port on the CPU . Picture below is a picture along with the type of wireless keyboard optical mouse .
  4. KEYBOARD USB.Latest computers are now widely used type of USB connector is the latest generation of keyboard types . The shape is very flexible and tend to carry any bias . Keyboard This type of bias is classed as a portable keyboard . Generally made of rubber , and certainly watertight . Picture of a USB keyboard can be seen below .

The structure of a key on the keyboard
From the side buttons are used , the keyboard has a development that is not too rapidly since it was first discovered . What's happening is some key additions that help further accelerate the opening of the application program .
In general , the structure of a key on the keyboard is divided into four , namely :
a. Button type ( typing keys) is one part of the keyboard that contains letters and numbers , as well as read tana . In general , there are two types of arrangement of the letters on the keyboard , the type QWERTY and Dvorak . However , the most widely used to date is the QWERTY layout .

b . numeric Keypad This section is a special section of the keyboard which contains numbers and functions to enter data such as number arithmetic operations . Srtuktur numbers arranged to resemble a calculator and other calculators .

c . Function Buttons ( Funtion Keys ) In 1986 , IBM added several function keys on a standard keyboard . This button can be used as a special command that is included in the operating system and applications.

d . Control key ( Control Keys ) This button provides control of the cursor and screen . The keys are included dala this category are four arrow buttons between the symbolic and numeric keypad type buttons , home , end , insert, delete , page up , page down , control ( CTRL ) , alternate ( ALT ) , and escape ( ESC )

The following image is the keyboard along with the role of the role of the buttons in full:

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